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Art and Science of

Conscious Breathing



We take our breath for granted. Something that apparently is so easy and automatic, is in fact, the most important function of our body. With more than 25,000 breaths a day, it’s no joke not to take it seriously. Not only for the quantity, but for the benefits our mind and body can receive through proper and conscious breathing. Breath is used in the ancient Indian science of Yoga as a bridge, a connector between body and mind, body and soul, to channelize to the highest part of yourself, into one single point. Oneness. 


Today, modern science can measure the positive changes produced by conscious breath in our body and mind. Conscious and effective breathing habits contribute to a more positive energy in your daily life - by providing less inner tension, creating better mood, improving immune responses and lowering stress-related hormones; among many other benefits. Breathing properly will modify your blood pressure to the levels that your body naturally requires. 


The purpose of training your breath is to create a stronger and more stable nervous system. Since your breath influences your system to the smallest nerve fibres to all organs, your hormone production will produce “happy hormones”, like dopamine or serotonin, providing feelings of well-being and satisfaction. Parasympathetic System, or also called “Rest and Digest” System, is activated and as a consequence a better and more effective absorption of food is applied, as the body needs less energy to digest, you store more positive energy allowing the body to have a deeper and smoother sleep. Controlled breathing is an effective tool to control and decrease stress levels. Mind and body work together connected by the breath. When the rhythm of the breath is reduced, so is the blood pressure and the nervous system. As a consequence, the rhythm of your brain and of your mind automatically slows down too.


Brain, Heart and Lungs. Once all three are synchronised, the machinery of your body starts getting in balance.


Now, take a deep breath please.


With my mentors. Pranaji, Stig Severinsen

The Instructor


 Breatheology Method Certified Instructor.

Breath Mastery Practitioner.


My name is Carlos de la Rúa, and I’m glad to share with you my experience. 


After many years dedicated to photography, I reached a point in my life where I needed a drastic change in all aspects. I embarked on a 6 month long trip to India and Thailand, where the natural flow of life brought into my path, the most incredible and amazing people and experiences. I travelled to Goa, Rishikesh, Salem and Varkala. First, I started with three very intense Yoga Teaching Training Courses: Yin, Ashtanga and Aerial Yoga. One day, while staying in Rishikesh (during the training), I overheard a woman in a cafe talking about her encounter with a Guru who had taught her the Art of Pranayama. I approached her and we had a long conversation on her experiences. After finishing my training in Rishikesh, I went to visit the Guru, who became my respected and dear Guru Ji, with whom I spent two months of intense and incredible learning journey. Just like in the old days, we trained at his place in his home, "Gurukulam" (in Sanskrit), with other locals as well. It wasn’t easy at first, as we started the day practicing from 4.30 am until 8 pm every day, except Sundays. At 11 am, we practiced Asanas until 1 pm. The last Pranayama session starts every day at 6 pm for a duration of a minimum of two hours. One day, without warning, a “magic” happened in the evening session over a candle meditation. The external Prana connected to my internal one, delivering me the sensation of disconnection of my body with my soul, allowing in me a feeling of absolute peace and joy that I have never experienced before. 


Everything changed for me ever since. There was a level of synchronisation that couldn’t have been achieved otherwise. That’s why I have so much respect and appreciation to the practice of Pranayama. With this knowledge, I would like to share it with you!


On October 2019, I became a Breatheology Method Certified Instructor. A method created by multiple World Record and free diver Champion Stig Severinsen, that provides the necessary tools to connect and restore energy levels in the body and mind, as well as a boost on the immune system, allowing patients to reactivate the internal pharmacy, providing great levels physical and mental strength to easily cope with pain and past traumas.


The International Center for Breathwork
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